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Shale Gas

Ban fracking and shale gas in Europe before it's too late!


Shale gas and fracking pose a direct and immediate threat to our drinking water, air, health, local communities and our climate. While the oil and gas industry try to convince the public and policy makers that the risks can be managed, we - the Greens/EFA group, the European Green Party, Friends of the Earth Europe, Food and Water Europe and HEAL - have decided to support the citizens in putting an end to this pro-fracking propaganda and make their voice heard even louder. It is now time to reveal the real truth about shale gas and fracking! We must stop investing in shale gas that would lock ourselves in another dirty fossil fuel cycle, and urgently promote and heavily invest in renewables and energy efficiency.

On Tuesday 18th September, a few days before the international day to stop fracking - the Greens and the three environmental groups launched their own information campaign, calling for a global frackdown, in Europe and beyond.

We organised an action against shale gas and explaining why this energy source is clearly neither a short-term nor a long-term solution.

Watch our animated movie on shale gas and fracking here


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