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Event |

When I think of Fukushima...

Reading and film screening

On the occasion of the second anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster

Two years have passed since Japan experienced the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima power plant on 11 March 2011. The images of the destroyed nuclear  reactors remain in our heads, but we know little about the consequences on daily life in Japan today.

This evening will be dedicated to the people of Japan and Fukushima two years after the impossible happened.

Rebecca Harms, Co-Chair of the Greens/EFA in the European Parliament will read from her book "One day in Fukushima, one week in Japan. Notes from a journey". In the book Rebecca  Harms describes her personl experiences during her  visit to  Japan and the Fukushima region  in January 2012 where she met with activists and researchers, journalists and politicians. It compiles her impressions of how the nuclear disaster has moved and changed the Japanese people.

Alain de Halleux, Belgian film maker will present his new movie "Welcome to Fukushima" (59 Min., 2013). It tells the stories of families from Minamisoma who are facing the decision to stay or leave.

This will be followed by a conversation between the audience and the two speakers on these very personal experiences. The event will close with refreshments and a get-together.

The reading and film-screening will be held in English only.

Hosted by Rebecca Harms - Co-Chair of the Greens/ EFA in the European Parliament


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