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Event |

Turkey in Europe

Enlarged Bureau Meeting of the Green/EFA Group


Sunday 31st October 2010

Arrival of Greens/EFA MEPs, guests and staff in Istanbul

Monday 1st November 2010

Üsküdar Hall

Round Table: "Five years of accession negotiations and the perspectives of the EU-Turkey relations" (internal meeting on invitation)

Mr. Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament
Mrs. Hélène Flautre, Co-President of the EU-Turkey JPC

Mr. Joost Lagendijk, Senior Adviser at the Istanbul Policy Center

** Debate **

From EU:
Members of the Greens/EFA Group: Mrs. Isabelle Durant, Mr. Bart Staes, Mrs. Rebecca Harms, Mrs. Heidi Hautala, Mrs. Ska Keller, Mrs.Malika Benarab Attou, Mrs. Barbara Lochbihler, Mrs. Nicole Kiil Nielsen, Mrs. Ulrike Lunacek, Mr. Reinhard Bütikofer and Mr. Michael cramer
Mrs. Monica Frassoni , Co-Chair - European Green Party
Mr. Marc Pierini, EU Ambassador in Turkey

From Turkey:
Mr. Hasan Cemal, Mr. Cengiz Çandar, Mr. Mehmet Ali Birand, Mrs. Ne?e DüzeL, Mrs. Delal D?nk, Mr. Etyen MahÇupyan, Mrs. Yüksel Selek, Mr. Ümit ?ahin, Mr. Ahmet Türk, Mrs. Aysel Tu?luk, Mr. Ufuk Uras, Mr. Murat Belge, Mrs. Serap Yaz?c?, Mr. Kemal K?r??c?, Mr. Cengiz Aktar, Mr. Sezg?n Tanrikulu, Mr. Jürgen Gotschlich, Mr.Victor Ananias, Mr. Yavuz Önen, Mr. Yusuf Alata?, Mrs. Yonca Poyraz Do?an, Mr. Zülfü L?vanel?, Mr. Al? Erol, Mr. Ayhan B?lgen, Mr. Murat Aksoy, Mr. Zy?a Hal?s, Mr. Oral Çal??lar, Mr.Gerald Klaus, Mrs Asli Aydintasba?, Mrs. B?rsel Lemke, Mr. Ömer Madra, Mrs. D?lek Zaptç?o?lu, Mr. Süheyl Batum, Mr. Lütf? Elvan, Mr. Kemal Ordek, Mr.Ali R?za ÖztükMr. Burhan Kayatürk, Mrs. Bilge Contepe, Mrs. Yazgülü Aldogan, Mr. Orhan Silier, Mr. Mete Tunçay, Mr. ?ahin Alpay, Mr. Mehmet Y. Y?lmaz, Mrs. Sebnem Karaucak, Mrs. Gülsün Bilgehan


Lunch break

Üsküdar Hall

Press conference
Mrs. Rebecca Harms, Mr. Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Mrs. Hélène Flautre, Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament


Lunch debateof Mrs Barbara Lochbihler, Chair of the EP's Iran delegation, on Iranian refugees in Turkey - (internal meeting on invitation, Room Y?ld?z 2)
Lunch debateof Mrs Ulrike Lunacek, Co-Chair of the EP's Intergroup on LGBT Rights, on LGBT rights in Turkey - (internal meeting on invitation, Room Y?ld?z 1)

Üsküdar Hall

Opening of the Conference - public
Mrs Rebecca Harms, Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament
Welcome address by Mr Egemen Bagis, Ministerfor EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator

15.30 - 16.45
Üsküdar Hall

Energy security in Turkey and in the European Union - public

Mrs Heidi Hautala, Chair of the EP Subcommittee on Human Rights

Keynote speech
Mr. Taner Yildiz, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, tbc

Debate with
Mr. Necdet Pamir, World Energy Council Turkish National Committe Board MemberMr Christian Dolezal, Spokesperson of NABUCCO Gas Pipeline International GmbH
Mr Sergei Agibalov, Institute for Energetics and Finances, Russian Federation

17.00 - 18.30
Üsküdar Hall

Nuclear energy - an option for Turkey? - public

Mr. Ümit ?ahin, Co-President of "Ye?iller"- Turkish Greens

Keynote speech
Mrs Rebecca Harms, Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament
Overview Nuclear Power in the World 2010
Mr Mycle Schneider, Consultant and expert on nuclear energy
Mrs Dr. ?ule ErgÜn Hacattepe, University Department of Nuclear Engineering
Mrs Sabahat Aslan, Spokesperson of the Mersin anti-nuclear platform
Mr ArIf Künar, Energy expert and activist, Ankara

Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

9.30 - 13.00
Üsküdar Hall
Democratisation process of Turkey in the light of a new Constitution - public

Mrs Heidi Hautala, Chair of the EP Subcommittee on Human Rights
Mrs Hélène Flautre, Co-President of the EU-Turkey JPC

Keynote speech
Mr. Gianni Buquicchio, President of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe
Mrs. Franziska Keller, Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA Group

Debate with representatives of the political groups in the Turkish National Grand Assembly (TNGA) and representatives of the civil society

Mr.Bekir Bozda?, Vice- President of the AKP Group in the TNGA
Mr. Süheyl Batum, Member of the Party Assembly of the CHP
Mr. Selahatt?n Dem?rta?, Member of the TNGA and Co-President of the BDP
Mrs. Serap Yaz?c?, Prof. at the Istanbul Bilgi University
Mrs. Em?ne Ülker Tarhan, President - of the Association of Judges and Public
prosecutor (YARSAV)
Mr. Süleyman Çelebi, President of DISK (Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey)
Mr. Öztürk Türkdogan, Human Rights Association of Turkey (IHD)
Mrs. Hülya Gülbahar, Member of the Women's Rights Association KA-DER
Mr. Can Paker, President of TESEV
Mrs. H?dayet ?evkatl?-Tuksal, Women Rights Forum of Ankara
Mr. Sezg?n Tanrikulu, Lawer, Human Rights Foundation of Turkey
Mr. Al? Balkiz, President of the Alevi and Bektashi Association

13.30 - 15.00Lunch break
12.00 - 13.30
Üsküdar Hall
The question of "European Culture" - public

Mrs Hélène Flautre, Co-President of the EU-Turkey JPC
Mr. Mehmet Ali Birand, Journalist

Mr. Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament
Mrs. El?f ?afak, writer, tbc
Mr. Jean François Bayart, academic
Mrs. ?oanna Kuçurad?, philosopher


Position Paper
Map of Europe / CC0 christian-lue
Map of Europe / CC0 christian-lue
Picture of Budapest - Hungary © Jaap Hart
Picture of Budapest - Hungary
© Alexander Briel
European flag 530x390
Press release
Ilaria Salis

Responsible MEPs

Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms
Heidi Hautala
Heidi Hautala
EP Vice-President, Member
Barbara Lochbihler
Barbara Lochbihler

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