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Study launch "Beyond Borders, Beyond Boundaries"

A Critical Analysis of EU Financial Support for Border Control in Tunisia and Libya


  • Download the explanatory 2 pager in EN, IT, FR, DE, AR
  • Download the study in EN, IT, FR, DE, AR


In recent years, the European Union (EU) and its Member States have intensified their efforts to prevent migrants and asylum seekers from reaching EU borders. One strategy to reach this goal consists in the funding of third countries' coast guards and border police.

The impact on migrants, asylum seekers and refugees is devastating. Tunisian and Libyan authorities - which are the main beneficiaries of the funding programs - carry out human rights violations within the framework of border management activities funded by the EU-supported programs, especially in the context of sea interceptions.

The study will give an overview on EU supported border management initiatives in Tunisia and Libya, and the severe human rights impact they entail. The study also examines the link to human rights provisions in the Neighbourhood, Development, and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) - Global Europe Regulation within this context and looks into the decision-making processes for implementing the NDICI work in practice.

Together with the researchers, NGOs and decision makers we will discuss the urgent need for comprehensive scrutiny and reformulation of European Union funding intended for managing the external aspects of migration.

+++ The event takes place in the European Parliament, room Spinelli 6D128, Brussels +++



12h35: Opening remarks: MEP Erik Marquardt

12h40: Presentation of study: Estela Casajuana, Senior Researcher, Profundo

12h50: Panel discussion on human rights compliance and accountability in EU external Integrated Border Management programs :

Moderator: Ariadne Papagapitos  (Impact Director, Lighthouse Reports) 


  • Francisco Gaztelu-Mezquiriz, Head of Unit for Migration Assistance to Neighbouring Countries, DG NEAR
  • Giorgia Jana Pintus, Project Officer at ARCI and co-author of the study
  • Giorgia Linardi, Legal Advisor at Sea Watch


14h: Closing remarks MEP Tineke Strik 



© European Union 2015 - EP Louise WEISS building: © Architecture Studio
European Parliament Strasbourg
Press release
Photo by Elinda Gjonomadhi on Unsplash

Responsible MEPs

Erik Marquardt
Erik Marquardt
Tineke Strik
Tineke Strik

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