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Event |

Searching for a new narrative

Ways out of radicalisation


Helga Trüpel and Ernest Maragall are pleased to invite you to the round table on:

"searching for a new narrative: ways out of radicalisation"

on Thursday, 30th June, 2016 from 9:30 to 13:00 in Room ASP 5 E 1 This round table follows up on the conference of last September on European Muslims: searching for a new narrative.

Invited guests include:

  • Christa Ndikumana, Caleidoscoop in Molenbeek with volunteers in the project
  • Hamadi, story-teller, interpret and writer
  • Hassan Asfour and Siamak Ahmadi, Dialog macht Schule, Berlin
  • Lurdes Vidal, University of Barcelona, Arab Politics
  • Patries Wichers, artist MUS-E in Belgium, a programme of theInternational Yehudi Menuhin Foundation
The idea is to share good practices on the field, while revising together what is already proposed at EU and State level. We will seek together to better understand the challenges faced at community level and trace together possible ways to work together. We'll present some extracts of the film "Djihad, les contrefeux"* shown on ARTE last month
(*kind authorisation by ARTE and the film producers) Helga Trüpel Green/EFA MEP, Co-Chair of  the Committee of Culture and Education of the European Parliament Siamak Ahmadi Is with Hassan Asfour the co-funder of the project "Dialog at School" which developed throughout Germany, creating free spaces of debates at school, and creating another space of debates with families, teachers, politics and academics. Lurdes Vidal She is very active in the IEMED organisation (European Institute for the Mediterranean), speaks Arabic, and a specialist of Arab Politics at the University of Barcelona. Patries Wichers Is an artist in different disciplins, working with children and youth at school within the programme MUS-E of the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation Malika Saissi Malika has been working with youth and with women  in Molenbeek for a long time, with  the association "Caleidoscoop", she came with Karim and Naima to explain their  experiences and concerns, and "ways out".


Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Germany
Camilo Jimenez on Unsplash
Picture of people using their smartphone

Responsible MEPs

Ernest Maragall
Ernest Maragall
Helga Trüpel
Helga Trüpel

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