string(2) "89"
Event |

Refugees: another challenge for universal health in the EU

Round-table organised by EFA MEP Jordi Sebastià


11.00 - 11.10 - Welcome

Jordi Sebastià MEP, Primavera Europea (Greens/EFA)

Florent Marcellesi, Spokesperson EQUO-Europa

11.10 - 12.00 - Round Table


Stephane Vandam, Public Health Officer, World Health Organisation

Isabel de la Mata, Principal Adviser for Health and Crisis management, European Commission

Sagrario Martín, President Médecins du Monde Espagne

María Katrina Belsué, Coordinator SOS Racisme Aragón

Antonio Bayón, Coordinator, ODU Salud Valencia

12.00 - 12.25 - Debate

12.25 - 12.30 - Closing remarks


Press release
Ilaria Salis
Press release
Photo by Adam Azim on Unsplash
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Press release
European Parliament
Copyright European Parliament

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