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Event |

Prison conditions in Europe

Live webinar hosted by EFA MEP Diana Riba i Giner

Live webinar

Wednesday, 13th of October

from 4pm to 5pm

Interpretation: EN / FR / CAT / ES


While overcrowding is one of the most relevant problems affecting prisons in Europe, it is essential to keep in mind that standards relating to prison conditions include much more than mere rules on minimum living space.

In 2013, the European Prison Observatory carried out two studies providing an overview of prison conditions in Europe and a selection of interesting practices in prisons management. According to both studies, many of the recommendations of the European Prison Rules are not widely respected in the Member States examined.

The aim of this conference is to debate around the actual living conditions inside prisons and how they affect the health, progress and prosocial change among inmates.


Agenda & Speakers:

  • Moderation by Florence Laufer, Director of Prison Insider
  • Welcoming words by MEP Diana Riba i Giner
  • Hans Wolff, member of the CPT, Physician-in-chief of the Division of Prison Health, University Hospitals of Geneva
  • Iñaki Rivera, Director of Observatorio del Sistema Penal y los Derechos Humanos (OSPDH) and of the Sistema de Registro y Comunicación de la Violencia Institucional (SIRECOVI).
  • Dominique Simonot, Controleure générale des lieux de privatin de liberté / Head of the French NPM
  • Stella Moris, Lawyer and partner of Julian Assange 
  • Debate and Q&A, moderated by Florence Laufer, Director of Prison Insider
  • Closing remarks, by MEP Saskia Bricmont


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EFA Group  - July 2024
Position Paper
Map of Europe / CC0 christian-lue
Map of Europe / CC0 christian-lue
Picture of Budapest - Hungary © Jaap Hart
Picture of Budapest - Hungary

Responsible MEPs

Diana Riba i Giner
Diana Riba i Giner
EFA President and first Vice President of the Greens/EFA Group

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