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Open de deuren naar dialoog

Wereld vluchtelingendag 2017

De Europese groene fractie (Greens/EFA) in het Europees Parlement organiseert een uniek project op 20 juni naar aanleiding van  ‘World Refugee Day’. Het doel is om een mondiale dialoog op gang te brengen over de situaties waarin vluchtelingen op verschillende plaatsen in de wereld moeten leven.

Een gouden container zal worden geplaatst op de esplanade voor het Europees Parlement. Gesofisticeerde multimedia in deze container verbonden met vergelijkbare containers in verschillende vluchtelingenkampen, maken mogelijk om in dialoog te gaan met vluchtelingen in andere delen van de wereld.


Mensen in Brussel zullen dus direct kunnen communiceren met mensen in Jordanië, Palestina,  Duitsland of Irak; Ze kunnen met elkaar spreken, zingen of dansen, alsof ze zich in dezelfde ruimte bevinden.

De bedoeling is om een echte dialoog met vluchtelingen mogelijk te maken. Te vaak praten we alleen over vluchtelingen en praten we niet met hen en daarom is het hoog tijd dat we hen hun eigen verhalen laten vertellen. Onze hoop is dat het gouden container project wederzijds begrip zal doen groeien en gezamenlijke acties op gang brengen.

Het volledige programma is beschikbaar hieronder  (in het Engels)


Brussels Draft Schedule


Time in Brussels

Connecting Site


Connection Brussels

June 20


Erbil, Iraq



The Portal is located in Harsham Camp, on the outskirts of the city of Erbil in northern Iraq. The camp hosts 1,500 internally displaced Iraqi families who fled the so-called Islamic State take-over of Mosul and surrounding villages in mid-2014. Erbil is the capital of Iraq's Kurdistan Region, which hosts around 1.5 million internally displaced Iraqis and almost 230,000 Syrian refugees.

10:15 Official opening Greens/EFA president Ska Keller with Journalists


11:00 Co Presidents of Ecolo Zakia Khattabi and Patrick Dupriez



Kigali, Rwanda



 In Kigali, we have invited UNHCR Rwanda and  refugees and internally displaced Congolese Tutsi’s to visit our Portal at Impact Hub hosted by Kurema, Kureba, Kwiga - a public arts social enterprise using street-arts and art-actions to involve civil society in positive social change.

12:30 School class


1:45 Green MEP Barbara Lochbihler (Germany) with german school class


2 pm  group picture with Green Party leaders from all over Europe





Amman, Jordan


Our Portal in Amman is located at FABLAB, a collaboration with Refugee Open Ware. Refugee Open Ware works to harness advanced technology, co-creation and open innovation to reduce suffering, fulfill basic needs, and accelerate inclusive development in fragile and conflict-affected areas. Their mission is to catalyze investment in humanitarian technology, innovation and entrepreneurship, with and for conflict-affected communities.




Berlin, Germany


Our Berlin Portal is located at Migration Hub, which creates spaces where social entrepreneurs and organizations meet to design solutions for migration challenges. They identify and host promising social initiatives and social entrepreneurs working in the field of migration and integration. Many of the entrepreneurs working in the space are refugees or have been displaced.

6 pm: Introduction by Greens/EFA president Philippe Lamberts


6:15 Concert by “Syrians got talent”

June 21


Herat, Afghanistan


The Herat Portal is located on the campus of Hariwa University, in the center of town, and run by the Afghan Development and Inspiration Bureau (ADIB). ADIB is dedicated to empowering young Afghan men and women through the promotion of entrepreneurship.

9am acrobat class by circus artists


9:30 discussion with school class



Gaza, Palestine


Mercy Corps and Gaza Sky Geeks host the Portal in Gaza City. Gaza Sky Geeks was founded in 2011 to build Gaza’s startup movement. They run a vibrant co-working space. In 2013, the Gaza Sky Geeks accelerator began connecting top teams to global resources to transform Gaza’s most talented youth into the Middle East’s business leaders. 


Noah Tauche and school band


1pm MEP Terry Reintke



Erbil, Iraq


The Portal is located in Harsham Camp, on the outskirts of the city of Erbil in northern Iraq. The camp hosts 1,500 internally displaced Iraqi families who fled the so-called Islamic State take-over of Mosul and surrounding villages in mid-2014. Erbil is the capital of Iraq's Kurdistan Region, which hosts around 1.5 million internally displaced Iraqis and almost 230,000 Syrian refugees.

2pm Discussion with High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini (tbc)

4pm discussion with William Swing, Director General International office for Migration






6-8 PM

Rye Arts Center, New York


Leadership from HIAS - a local resettlement organization in Westchester, New York visit the Portal at the Rye Arts Center to discuss resettlement strategies. Mark Hetfield and Rabbi Jenni Rosen will be in attendance.


June 22


Kabul, Afghanistan


The Portal is located at Turquoise Mountain, a non-profit, non-governmental organization regenerating the old city of Kabul, and spurring the sustainable development of the Afghan crafts industry. Refugees from UNHCR Afghanistan’s refugee camp would be invited to the Portal for dialogues.

9.00 - 9.30 discussion with Jean Lambert, Green UK MEP


9:30-10:15 Discussion with  School class


10:15 - 11:00

Discussion with German Green MEP Helga Trüpel  members of the Committee for Culture and Education





Erbil, Iraq


The Portal is located in Harsham Camp, on the outskirts of the city of Erbil in northern Iraq. The camp hosts 1,500 internally displaced Iraqi families who fled the so-called Islamic State take-over of Mosul and surrounding villages in mid-2014. Erbil is the capital of Iraq's Kurdistan Region, which hosts around 1.5 million internally displaced Iraqis and almost 230,000 Syrian refugees.

11:15 Laura Batalla; coordinator Friends of Turkey


11:30 Noah Tauche and school band



Berlin, Germany



Our Berlin Portal is located at Migration Hub, which creates spaces where social entrepreneurs and organizations meet to design solutions for migration challenges. They identify and host promising social initiatives and social entrepreneurs working in the field of migration and integration. Many of the entrepreneurs working in the space are refugees or have been displaced.

2pm School class


3pm school class


4pm discussion with Jean Lambert, Green UK MEP



Mexico City, Mexico


The Habesha Project is a neutral, not-for-profit, non-political, and non-faith based international Mexican-led humanitarian initiative aimed at sending a message of solidarity to the Syrian nation. It does so by making it possible for Syrian students, who have fled the conflict, to travel to Mexico to pursue higher education. In association with leading academic institutions, the Project will foster discussion designed to increase awareness about the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East, as well as regional and global implications of the conflict.



Press release
Due Diligance Directive
Press release
Ilaria Salis
Press release
Press release
©International Labour Organization ILO (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED)
forced labour

Responsible MEPs

Ska Keller
Ska Keller
Jean Lambert
Jean Lambert
Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts
Barbara Lochbihler
Barbara Lochbihler
Terry Reintke
Terry Reintke
Helga Trüpel
Helga Trüpel

Attached documents

Flyer NL - World refugee day

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