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Never waste a crisis?

How Europe and Ecology could be the path out of the EU’s current dismay…


Since 2008 and the break of the financial crisis, it seems that each and every step to calm the storm has been taken only reluctantly. Too little, too late, procrastination is the rule, even at increasing political, economic and social costs. In addition incomplete and inadequate solutions are only paving the way for the next wave of the crisis.

To break this recurring cycle, political courage and strong leadership are indispensable. But perhaps we need also to think "out of the box" and fundamentally revise a model of development that has evidently reached its limits.

 This round table chaired by Dany Cohn-Bendit and Rebecca Harms will welcome as guest speakers :

  • Yann Moulier-Boutang, French philosopher and economist, and director of the journal Multitudes;
  • Ricardo Paes Mamede, Portuguese economist, professor at the Lisbon University Institute and researcher at Dinâmia (Research Center on Socioeconomic Change);


Press release
©European Union 2024 - Source : EP
Ursula von der Leyen - Statement by the Candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission (2024-2029)
Press release
Covid-19 vaccine/ CC0 Hakan Nural
Covid-19 vaccine/ CC0 Hakan Nural

Responsible MEPs

Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms

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