string(2) "89"
Event |

Hungarian democracy in danger ?

An open debate with Agnes Heller

An Hungarian author and philosopher and former dissident, Agnes Heller is the target of mounting political pressure from Viktor Orban’s government, since she initiated, with the support of many dedicated liberal Hungarian intellectuals, an “Appeal to the European Institutions” denouncing the Hungarian government for “misusing its legislative majority to methodically dismantle democracy’s checks and balances, to remove constitutional constraints, and to subordinate to the will of the ruling party all branches of power, independent institutions, and the media.”


  • The debate will be livestreamed on www.greens-efa.eu
  • Interpretation will be provided in HU/EN/FR/DE/NL/ES/FI/DA/EL/ET
  • In case you need a badge , please register before 23rd February by providing your name, first name, birthdate, nationality and place of residence to diana.jung@europarl.europa.eu


Picture of Budapest - Hungary © Jaap Hart
Picture of Budapest - Hungary
© Alexander Briel
European flag 530x390
Press release
Ilaria Salis
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg

Responsible MEPs

Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms
Helga Trüpel
Helga Trüpel

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