string(2) "89"
Event |

Greens/EFA Study Days

17-20 November 2014

Six months after the European elections and just a few weeks after the setting up of the new EU Commission, the Greens/EFA Group holds a three-day internal meeting in Oostende.

The Greens/EFA study days will be the opportunity to exchange views and debate about strategic objectives and political priorites for the legislative term.


Picture of Budapest - Hungary © Jaap Hart
Picture of Budapest - Hungary
Interior of a house in Velingrad Nevena Bulgaria / CC Friends of the Earth
Interior of a house in Velingrad Nevena Bulgaria / CC Friends of the Earth
River in tropical mangrove green tree forest aerial view / Credits: themorningglory - stock.adobe.co
River in tropical mangrove green tree forest aerial view / Credits: themorningglory - stock.adobe.co

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