Green Jobs - Decent Work!
A Greens/EFA conference
Welcome: Elisabeth Schroedter
9.30 - 11:00 Panel I: Green Quality Jobs!
Chair: Philippe Lamberts (MEP, Chair of the Green New Deal Working Group, Greens/EFA)
- Presentation of the INI "Job potential of a new sustainable economy", Elisabeth Schroedter (MEP; Vice-President of the Employment Committee)
- Judith Kirton-Darling, European Metal Workers Federation (EMF)
Working conditions in the wind power industry; Presentation of an external study on the European wind energy sector, conducted for EMF - Gulya Hegyi, Cabinet Commissioner Andor, DG Employment European Commission
11.15 - 1:00 pm Panel II: Green New Deal and Decent Work -
Social dialogue and the contribution from political level (political answers)
Chair: Jean Lambert (MEP, Coordinator Employment Committee, Greens/EFA)
Statements from
- Heidi Ronne Moller, The Danish Confederation of Trade Unions, LO Denmark
- Anne Panneels, European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
- Josche Muth, European Renewable Energy Council (EREC)
- Mark Dolfyn, Umicore group, Belgium
Responses from the Greens/EFA Group: Reinhard Bütikofer
Conclusions: Elisabeth Schroedter