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Forests at the heart of Sustainable Development

High-level conference



This conference has been organized under the auspices of the European Parliamentary Alliance on the Fight against Hunger.

Opening remarks:

MEP Benedek Jávor (The Greens / EFA)

Opening keynotes:

  • Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
  • Maria Helena Semedo, FAO Deputy Director-General for Climate and Natural Resources
  • Video message by Phil Hogan, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development

Panel 1: Uncovering forests' contribution to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Moderated by MEP Jo Leinen (S&D)

  • Adrian Bebb, Senior Campaigner for Food, Agriculture and Biodiversity Programme, Friends of the Earth Europe
  • Thais Linhares-Juvenal, Team Leader Forest Governance and Economics, Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
  • Anke Schulmeister-Oldenhove, Senior Forest Policy Officer, WWF European Policy Office

Panel 2: Intra-EU forest policies and sustainable forest management

Moderated by MEP José Inácio Faria (EPP)

  • Andrea Vettori, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment (DG ENV)
  • Luc Bas, Director of European Regional Office, IUCN
  • Bernard de Galembert, Innovation and Bioeconomy Director, Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI)
  • Christine Farcy, Chair of the European Forestry Commission and Senior Research Fellow, UCLouvain


Panel 3: Sustainable forest management for sustainable development: the way forward

Moderated by MEP Heidi Hautala (The Greens / EFA)

  • Marjeta Jager, Deputy Director-General, European Commission's Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO)
  • Mette Wilkie, Director, Forestry Policy and Resources Division, Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
  • Massimiliano Paolucci, Special Representative to the European Union, World Bank
  • Hannah Mowat, Campaigns Coordinator, FERN

Closing Keynote:

Jeffrey Sachs, Professor, Economist and Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General on the SDGs

Closing remarks:

MEP Benedek Jávor (The Greens / EFA)


Each panel will feature a Q & A session, in order to facilitate an interactive and constructive discussion with the


MEP Benedek Jávor on forests at the heart of sustainable development

MEP Heidi Hautala on the role of forests for sustainable development


European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
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Deforestation illegal-logging-amazon-brazil
Deforestation illegal-logging-amazon-brazil
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Responsible MEPs

Benedek Jávor
Benedek Jávor
Former Member

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