string(2) "89"
Event |

Civil and Fundamental Rights in the EU

The Catalan case

9:30h - 11:00h

State repression on the 1st of October 

-    [9:30h - 9:35h] MEP Jordi Solé, welcome remarks
-    [9:35h - 9:40h] Lluís Arcarazo, Director of the Documentary “1-O” 
-    [9:40h - 10:20h] Screening of the Documentary “1-O”.

-    [10:20h - 11:00h] Round Table 

  • [10:20h - 10:30h] Roger Español, witness of the events of the 1 October. Personal experience
  • [10:30h - 10:40h] Virginia Martínez, 1-O Victims Association
  • [10:40h - 10:50h] Albert Carreras, Bar Association of Girona
  • [10:50h - 11:00h] Q&A

11:00h - 12:00h 

Civil and Fundamental Rights in the run-up of the Referendum 

-    [11:00h - 11:15h] Anaïs Franquesa Griso, Director of IRIDIA, Center for the defence of human rights.   
-    [11:15h - 11:40h] Jessica Simor and Françoise Tulkens, International Lawyers. Presentation of the Report: “Catalonian human rights review. Judicial controls in the context of the 1 October Referendum”.  
-    [11:40h - 12:00h] Q&A

12:00h - 12:45h

The Right to Self-Determination of Nations in the framework of the 1-O

-    [12:00h - 12:30h] Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, UN Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order. The Right to Self-Determination of Nations in the framework of the 1-O.
-    [12:30h - 12:45h] Q&A

12:45h - 13:00h

MEP Josep-Maria Terricabras, closing remarks 


Press release
Ilaria Salis

Responsible MEPs

Jordi Solé i Ferrando
Jordi Solé i Ferrando

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