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Can Europe afford not to sanction against discrimination and racism?

A Greens/EFA conference


Few groups have historically been so persecuted, discriminated and harassed than the Roma people. In almost all of Europe the Roma minority were and have been denied the right to permanent housing, labour and education, which is still the prevailing situation of the majority of Roma. Today we see a new wave of anti-Ziganism. The Nazis organized in the 30's a battle against what they called organized begging. Have we learned anything from history? How should we respond to harassment and threats against Roma today? DRAFT PROGRAMME 9:30-9:55
Welcoming and opening remarks
Javor Benedek, MEP A short film
with greetings from Ms. Rosa Taikon, silversmith and human rights activist in Sweden. 9:50-10:55
Good examples from national level
Chaired by MEP Javor Benedek
  • Romeo Franz, The Hildegaard Lagrenne Foundation, Germany (Work against anti-Ziganism)
  • Szilvia Suri, Roma press center, Budapest, Hungary
  • Marta Pinto, policy officer of European Roma Information Office, Brussels/Bulgaria
  • Diana Nyman, chairperson of the Roma council in Gothenburg, Sweden (Presentation about the Swedish Government’s whitebook on Roma people)
  • Budapest Institute, Challenges of ensuring Roma Issues have some sort of continuity from one legislature to the next.
Q&As 10:55-11:50
Why Europe can not tolerate discrimination

Chaired by MEP Barbara Lochbihler
  • Miranda Vuolasranta, Independent expert on International Roma policies.
  • Jana Balazova, Policy Officer, DG JUST, European Commission.
  • Beata Olahova, senior manager of Roma Education Fund, Budapest, Hungary.
 Q&As 11:50-12:30
What can the European Parliament do to improve the situation for the Roma people in EU?

Chaired by MEP Bodil Valero A short film ”Cohesion policy and marginalised communities” by MEP Terry Reintke  Panel discussion with Diana Nyman, Sweden, Romeo Franz, Germany, Beata Olahova, Hungary and Miranda Vuolasranta, Finland. (TBC) Q&As 12:30
Concluding remarks
by Bodil Valero, MEP The conference is organised by the Greens group's Roma Working Group


Position Paper
Map of Europe / CC0 christian-lue
Map of Europe / CC0 christian-lue
Picture of Budapest - Hungary © Jaap Hart
Picture of Budapest - Hungary
© Alexander Briel
European flag 530x390
Press release
Due Diligance Directive

Responsible MEPs

Benedek Jávor
Benedek Jávor
Former Member
Barbara Lochbihler
Barbara Lochbihler
Bodil Valero
Bodil Valero

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