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Event |

Stopping Biometric Mass Surveillance in Europe

The use of biometric surveillance systems (i.e. emotion recognition, biometric categorisation, remote biometric identification) undermines the core of fundamental rights, in particular rights to liberty, security, privacy, a fair trial and non-discrimination, and as such, should be outright banned.

Civil society organisations from several European countries will meet Members of the European Parliament on 8th of November for a discussion on the use of biometric surveillance systems, one of the greatest threats to our fundamental values and democracy in Europe and across the world.


In a historic vote last autumn, the Parliament called for a ban on biometric mass surveillance for law enforcement purposes, such as by means of facial recognition, because indiscriminate surveillance of Europeans constitutes a severe violation of everyone's fundamental rights. Now, this clear and strong position of the Parliament must be reflected in the negotiations on the AI Act. Notably, it will be crucial that the scope of the prohibition is extended to all private as well as public actors, and will not be limited to the deployment by law enforcement but also in the context of border control and migration.

Come and join key MEPs working on the draft AI Act who will react to statements from civil society organisations working on this subject.

WHEN & WHERE: The hybrid event will start at 17:15 on Tuesday, 8 November 2022 in person in room SPAAK 6B1, and it will be followed by a reception from 18:15 till 19:30.

WHO: The activists will represent organisations such as La Quadrature du Net (FR), Chaos Computer Club (DE), Bits of Freedom (NL), Digital Courage (DE), Share Foundation (Serbia), Homo Digitalis (GR), Iuridicum Remedium (CZ), Ligue des Droits Humains (BE), Liberties (EU), Access Now (International).


17:15–17:20 Opening statement by Patrick Breyer
17:20–17:45 Statements by NGOs
17:45–18:15 Reactions of co-hosting MEPs :

  • Patrick Breyer, Sergey Lagodinsky, Kim van Sparrentak (Greens/EFA);
  • Birgit Sippel, Brando Benifei & Petar Vitanov (S&D);
  • Cornelia Ernst & Katerina Konecna (The Left);
  • Karen Melchior & Svenja Hahn (Renew) 

folllowed by Q&A

18:15–19:30 Drinks & food





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European Parliament Strasbourg
European Union
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Responsible MEPs

Patrick Breyer
Patrick Breyer
Sergey Lagodinsky
Sergey Lagodinsky
Kim Van Sparrentak
Kim Van Sparrentak

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