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Alternative TEN-T Days

Follow the event live - 5 July 9:30-18:00

The financial crisis is a challenge to the development of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). It is the opportunity to put forward our green alternative vision: Think green: abandon the obsession with big, expensive and long-term projects and focus on the European added-value of smaller projects and cross-border rail links. Act smart: transparency and civil society participation is crucial. Save money: spend less money and minimise external, social and environmental costs. We need Trans-European Networking and coordination between green actions! -------


Friday 05 July 2013

TEN-T-Assembly at City Hall - 'Rathaus'
08:45-09:30 press conference
"360° Bar -7th floor"



Christine OPPITZ-PLÖRER Mayor of Innsbruck

Eva LICHTENBERGER MEP Greens/EFA spokes-woman on transport

moderation: Isabelle DURANT MEP Vice-President of
EP Greens/EFA ------------------------

10:00-10:20 Keynote presentation "Connect to Evolve"
Prof. Dr. Hermann KNOFLACHER Technical University Vienna ------------------------

10:20-10:40 Green TEN-T website
Eva LICHTENBERGER & Johannes PILLER super-fi moderation: Keith TAYLOR MEP Greens/EFA ------------------------

11:00-11:30 coffee break


11:30-12:30 Large infrastructure projects in the EU and

Road projects in Bulgaria
Daniel POPOV EC Bankwatch

Via Baltica Poland
Marta WIŚNIEWSKA Polish Green Network
Katarzyna SLODCZYK Polish Greens

Stuttgart 21
Prof. Dr. Heiner MONHEIM University Trier

Road bridge (BAM) Antwerp
Manu CLAEYS StRaten Generaal ------------------------

12:30-13:00 discussion moderation: Karim ZERIBI MEP Greens/EFA ------------------------

13:00-14:00 lunch


14:00-15:00 Large infrastructure projects in the Alpine region
and alternatives:

Lyon-Turin tunnel

Gotthard road project
Elena STROZZI Alpine Initiative

Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT)
Sepp KUSSTATSCHER Süd-Tirol & Georg WILLI Tirol ------------------------

15:00-15:30 Transport Protocol of the Alpine Convention
Madeleine ROHRER & Claire SIMON CIPRA ------------------------

15:30-16:00 Kilometer-based HGV levy and Alpine Crossing Exchange
Manuel HERRMANN Alpine Initiative moderation: Jean-Jacob BICEP MEP Greens/EFA ------------------------

16:00-16:30 coffee break


16:30-17:00 EuroVelo Network and 'Missing Links' - Project

Michael CRAMER MEP Greens/EFA spokesman transport & Michal LEN ------------------------

17:00-17:45 discussion ------------------------

17:45-18:00 conclusions by Michael CRAMER ------------------------

18:00 end

Saturday 06 July 2013
1900m high level brunch-storming at 'Alpenlounge Seegrube'
10:00-13:00 it's cooking in the Alps - what a climate!

moderation by Monica FRASSONI Co-President European Green Party


© European Union 2017 - Source : EP
Picture of the European Parliament - Strasbourg
Press release
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg

Responsible MEPs

Michael Cramer
Michael Cramer
Keith Taylor
Keith Taylor

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