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Event |

A longer life-time for products

a win-win solution for European consumers and businesses


It seems we have to replace consumer products more and more frequently. Often it is cheaper and easier for consumers to buy a new product than to repair it or replace parts. There is little incentive to prolong the life of a product through repair, nor to re-use or recycle it. It is ever more apparent that resources are becoming scarcer and in the future this can cause serious problems for the environment and the economy. This Greens/EFA conference therefore aims to examine the win-win benefits of a longer product lifetime, for consumers, businesses, society and the environment.


Welcome and Introduction

Serge Latouche, Economist and University Professor, specialist of planned obsolescence 15:30-16:30
Panel 1: Economic, social and environmental benefits of a longer life-time for products Moderated by Thierry Libaert, University Professor and Member of the EESC
  1. Benefits for consumers
    Sylvia Maurer, Head of sustainability and safety, BEUC 
  2. Social benefits
    Lilian Ojeda, Policy Officer, RREUSE 
  3. Environmental benefits
    Jocelyn Blériot, Executive Officer, Ellen MacArthur Foundation 
  4. Economic benefits
Panel 2: Appropriate actions to promote a longer life-time for products
Moderated by Thierry Libaert, University Professor and Member of the EESC
  1. National examples
    Claude Turmes, Member of the European Parliament 
  2. A success story
    Bas Van Abel, CEO and founder of Fairphone 
  3. Legal perspective
    Bob Schmitz, European Affairs Advisor, The Consumers Union of Luxembourg 
  4. European added-value
    Ferenc Pekar, Policy Officer, Circular Economy and Eco-innovation Unit of DG ENV
Conclusions and debate

Registration and practical information

  • For registration and accreditation please provide your name, date of birth, type and number of ID and nationality to igor.soltes-office@ep.europa.eu
  • Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English, French and German


© European Union 2017 - Source : EP
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Press release
European Union
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Responsible MEPs

Pascal Durand
Pascal Durand
Igor Šoltes
Igor Šoltes

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