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Publication |

Who's who

Leaflet about Greens/EFA Members and staff

European voters responded by making the Greens/EFA group a big winner of the 2009 European elections. As the European Parliament reduced in size from 785 to 736 members, the Greens/EFA Group was the only political group to grow: from 43 to 55 members.

These 55 Members – 29 women and 26 men – come from diverse backgrounds. They include members of Green movements, representatives of stateless nations and independent members.

Discover more about which Member sits in which committees and delegations and who are the advisors following issues you are interested in


Press release
Press release
© Alexander Briel
European flag 530x390
Press release
© European Union 2020 - Source : EP
EUCO Terry

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brochure who'swho 07-01-11

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