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Upcoming events

Schedule of our climate campaign's conferences, hearings, actions...

Our next 3 major organisations before the summer break are the following one:

  • On Wednesday 14 May in the afternoon we will organise a hearing on "Biodiversity and climate change". It will take place just ahead of the ninth meeting (COP9) of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Bonn, 19 to 30 May, and the International Biodiversity Day on 22 May 2008;
  • On Wednesday 11 June (whole day) a high-level conference on the topic of "climate refugees". It will be one of the first bigger conference on this area in Brussels. It is estimated that currently already 25 million people have to migrate due to desertification, droughts, higher sea levels or water shortages. The UN forecasts hundreds of million more by mid-century.
  • On Thursday 3 July (whole day) a conference on the subject of "tourism and climate change" which will highlight the fact that tourism is both responsible but also a victim of climate change. It will coincide with the start of the French Presidency of the EU, France being the world's first destination of tourists.

The 3 events will take place in the European Parliament in Brussels with a large internet coverage (videos, presentations...) to give the chance for those of you not being in Brussels to participate.

For all those events more information (agenda, registration...) will be available soon on your stopclimatechange.net website.


© Christian Kaufmann
Picture of vegetables on a table
making it green together illustration
making it green together illustration

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