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UN Convention on Climate Change

The talks in Bonn set the scene for future action

A first round of UN climate negotiations for the period following the end of the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol has succeefully concluded in Bonn, Germany.

Michael Zammit Cutajar, Chair of the "Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol" reported that there was a strong sense of urgency and a clear consensus among the delegates that there should be no gap after 2012, when the first commitment period ends. The Chair described the results as setting an ambitious agenda and a sound process leading towards science-based emission reduction targets on the part of industrialized countries within the next few years.

The Long-Term Dialogue on Future Cooperative Action, including all UNFCCC Parties, also met in Bonn without formal conclusion. The UN said there had been a strong consensus on the need to reduce emissions and support for the use of economic incentives and involvement of the private sector in climate protection. The group is set to continue its workshops, while environmental organisations maintain that the effectiveness of the Dialogue is yet to be proven.

Two UNFCCC committees meeting alongside the ad hoc group adopted 30 conclusions and one draft decision. Most call for further discussion leading to agreement at a later date.

For further information go to:

Earth Negotiations Bulletin


© Christian Kaufmann
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