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Towards accession of Bulgaria and Romania

EU Commission presents monitoring reports

The accession negotiations were closed with both countries in December 2004 on the basis of credible commitments from the Bulgarian and the Romanian side to make further progress in a number of important areas among which justice and home affairs.

Since then, the Commission has continued to closely monitor the progress made by these countries.

A delegation from the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament undertook a fact-finding mission in Bulgaria from 10-12 May. The visit was organised in advance of the planned Commission recommendation on the accession dates for Romania and Bulgaria

On 16th May 2006, the Commission presented two comprehensive reports including the conclusions that Bulgaria and Romania should be able to join the EU on January 2007 under the condition that they make substantial progress in the areas of concern identified by the Commission such as the judiciary reform and the fight against corruption and organised crime. 

In this context, the Commission decided to issue a new monitoring report on these countries in October so as to assess the last progress made and to take a final decision on the accession date of Bulgaria and Romania at this stage.

Parliament will adopt its reports in the meantime.

See summary of the Commission monitoring report

See plenary speeches of Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Jost Lagendijk


© Christian Kaufmann
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