Position Paper |

The post 2020 Multiannual Financial Framework

Protecting our planet, ensuring a life of dignity for all, investing in the future

We are already surpassing the boundaries of our planet and there is an urgent need to protect natural resources and reduce energy consumption. The next MFF should place greater emphasis on these elements and dedicate appropriate funding throughout its different components. The Greens/EFA group is advocating a global and comprehensive response to the multiple challenges we face. The Post 2020 MFF must clearly show the political will to take these challenges on.


Greens/EFA 10 points on the post-2020 MFF

  1. Greening the EU budget by increasing the climate-related spending to 50%
  2. Guaranteeing that the EU budget will not decrease in volume from 2020 levels, even in the case of Brexit
  3. Reforming the revenue side of the EU budget by securing a rebate-free budget, financed predominantly by own resources
  4. Adopting a fair CAP by capping direct payments in order to invest in a transition to a living and (biologically and structurally) diverse countryside, vibrant rural areas and decent livelihoods
  5. Strengthening EU solidarity by investing in all regions and by doubling the funding for social policies (ESF and YEI)
  6. Investing in the future by doubling the funds for future-oriented programmes (youth programmes, research & development, infrastructure, culture and education programmes)
  7. Being consistent in the world, acknowledging responsibility and showing solidarity by fighting poverty worldwide and spending at least 0.7% of the EU GDP on development policy
  8. Combating gender discrimination and inequality by implementing gender budgeting
  9. Increasing citizen oversight and parliamentary scrutiny of the EU budget and improving added value, results, transparency and controls of the EU budget
  10. Defining clear and measurable redeployments and the list of excluded expenditures



Position Paper
Map of Europe / CC0 christian-lue
Map of Europe / CC0 christian-lue
Position Paper
Position Paper
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
European flag / CC0 Markus Spiske

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Position paper - Post 2020 MFF

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