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Nuclear power in Bulgaria

European Parliament calls for urgent closure of dangerous nuclear plant in Koslodui

The European Parliament voted out a text that would have called for flexibility in the closure of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant blocks 3 and 4 at the end of the year. Instead it adopted an amendment forwarded by the Greens that calls for upkeeping the present Accession Treaty.

This is a very important sign, also towards Slovakia and Lithuania, but has also further consequences: big upgrading investments are no ticket to life time extension per se. If the safety level of nuclear power plants is not sufficient, there is no space for huge lobby campaigns pushing for that.

Commenting on the vote, Greens energy spokesperson Rebecca Harms stated:

"The nuclear plant in Koslodui is a major hazard to the surrounding region and this was recognised in Bulgaria's accession protocol, however the particularly dangerous Blocks 3 and 4 remain open. Today's vote by the European Parliament makes it clear that these Blocks must be shut down by 31 December 2006, prior to Bulgaria's accession, as was agreed 8 years ago in the accession protocol.

"It is high time this potentially lethal reactor, which is outdated and even lacks containment, was shut down. The Bulgarian government has had enough time to make the necessary preparations for this and will also receive financial support from the EU. There can be no excuse for failing to shut the reactor down and putting lives at risk."

Editors notes:
The Green amendment on the Koslodui reactor was adopted by the plenary today with 269 votes in favour and 264 against. It calls on the Council to ensure that Bulgaria fulfils its obligation under Article 30 of the Accession Treaty to shut down Blocks 3 and 4 of the nuclear plant at Koslodui. The amendment also calls on the EU to make available at least 210 million euro from the 2007-8 financial package to this end.


© Christian Kaufmann
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