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European of the Year

Greens/EFA Co-President Monica Frassoni elected 'European of the Year'

Co-President of the Greens/EFA of the European Parliament Monica Frassoni has been awarded the 'European of the Year' prize for 2007 by the European Movement. Ms Frassoni won over 50% of votes in an online public poll hosted by the European Movement to determine the winner of this year's award. The awarding ceremony took place on Saturday, 15 September, at 11.00am in the castle of Val Duchesse near Brussels. 

The European Movement was created in 1948 in the Hague by Winston Churchill, Konrad Adenauer and Alcide de Gasperi with the objective of creating a European sense of awareness among the citizens of Europe.The election of the European of the Year is an initiative in the context of the 'Europe Day' project, organised in cooperation with International European Movement. The purpose of the initiative is to "give Europe a face" and to give visibility to people who work for Europe. Every year the European Movement chooses a different category of people to award with the title.


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Social media icons / CC0 mariia-shalabaieva

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