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Energy alternatives

G8 Summit in St Petersburg

The European Greens and a range of environmental NGOs from the EU and Russia are holding a two-day conference aimed at presenting an alternative to energy security for the G8. The conference will open on Sunday, 9 July, and takes place in the Russian town Strelna and in St Petersburg. The conclusions of the Alternative Energy Forum will be presented at a press conference in St Petersburg on Tuesday, 11 July, at 13.00 in the Citizen Watch Office (87, Ligovsky pr. Office 300, 191040 St. Petersburg).

Commenting on the objective of the Alternative Energy Forum Green MEP Rebecca Harms, energy spokesperson for the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament said:

"Energy security is naturally a key priority for G8 heads of state and government, however we are concerned the typically narrow focus on supply of fossil fuelsand nuclear will result in an unsustainable and short-sighted outcome to the Summit. The Alternative Energy Forum aims to provide more viable long-term solutions to the problems of  energy security and supply."

For further information please contact Rebecca Harms MEP at +49-171-5325721 (mobile).


(9.-10.07.2006 - STRELNA, 11.07.2006 S-PETERBURG)

09.07.2006 - East-West Green Dialogue meeting - Policy and Energy

14-00 Session 1 Russia and G8 Energy, environment, human rights

Speakers - Ivan BLOKOV (Greenpeace - Russia), Alexey KOZLOV (Green Alternative (GROZA)), Natalia ZVIAGINA (Green Alternative (GROZA)), Ivan NINENKO (Green Alternative (GROZA)), Alexey YABLOKOV (Green Russia), Arkady POSEVIN (Ozols - Latvia).

16-30 - 17-00 - Break

17-00 Session 2 Energy security and energy justice in European context

Speakers - Charles BERKOW (Swedish Green Party), Peter ERIKSSON (Spokesperson Swedish Green Party), Vladimir SLYVIAK (Ecodefense!).

20-30 - 21-30 Discussion on "political" recommendation for G8

10.07.2006 Alternative Energy Forum (Participants from Green Parties and environmental NGOs)

10-00 Session 1 Presentation of recommendations on Energy security from other conferences (Civil G8, Chernobyl +20 etc.), World nuclear revenge.

Speakers - Alexander NIKITIN (Bellona), Igor BABANIN (Greenpeace - Russia), Andrey OZHAROVSKIY (Ecodefense!)

12-00 - 12-15 - Break

12-15 Session 2 Recommendation for G8 on Energy

Speakers - Rebecca HARMS (MEP, GREEN GROUP/EFA), Alexey KOZLOV (Green Alternative (GROZA)), Vladimir SLYVIAK (Ecodefense!)

14-30 - 15-30 - Lunch

15-30 Discussion on recommendations

Preparation of recommendations. Presentation and adoption of recommendations.

18-00 Closing of Forum

11.07.2006 Press Conference St-Petersburg

13-00 - Press-conference with presentation of Alternative recommendations on energy security for G8 - Alexey KOZLOV (Green Alternative (GROZA)), Alexander NIKITIN (Bellona), Vladimir SLYVIAK (Ecodefense!), Reinhard BUTIKOFER (Co-chairperson Bundnis 90/ Die Grunen), Rebecca HARMS (MEP, GREEN GROUP/EFA), Peter ERIKSSON (Swedish Green Party)

18-00 - Presentation of book "Nuclear Power - Myth and Reality" (Russian version) (H.Boell Foundation) - Vladimir SLYVIAK (Ecodefense!) Jens SIEGERT (H.Boell Foundation), Rebecca HARMS (MEP, GREEN GROUP/EFA), Alexey YABLOKOV (Green Russia).


Presentation of Alternative recommendation on Energy security for G8 on conference "Another Russia" - Alexey KOZLOV (Green Alternative (GROZA))


© Christian Kaufmann
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