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Publication |

"Empowering people for sustainable energy"

News and documents from the Greens/EFA Conference on energy and climate change

On the occasion of the launch of a new study on energy and climate scenarios for the EU during our conference and an accompanying 'pact for climate and energy security in Europe' (see below), Green energy spokespersons Claude Turmes and Rebecca Harms stated:

"The climate and energy scenario analysis, which we are launching today, demonstrates that it is possible to achieve ambitious climate targets - emissions reductions of 30% by 2020 and 40% by 2030 - without any nuclear expansion. Under this scenario, we would also be reducing our dependency on imported fuels (oil, gas, coal and uranium), which threatens EU energy security. The scenario shows that the future need not be dark, despite the background of last weekend's energy blackouts, if the EU makes the right policy choices.

"While it is now becoming 'convenient' for politicians to pay lip-service to the fight against climate change, there are still major shortcomings when it comes implementing effective policies. Last week's report by the European Environment Agency shows that the EU-15 is set to miss its Kyoto target. In our 'pact for climate and energy security', the Greens have set out a concrete and binding framework for the EU to meet the challenges of climate change and at the same time address the problem of energy security in Europe. A combination of binding targets for energy, energy-use and transport, together with penalties for non-compliance, would ensure all stakeholders play their part."

For more information on the content of our conference, you can download the speakers presentations and background documents below.

Öko-institut scenario - Pwer point presentation (pdf)

Öko institut Vision scenario for the EU (pdf)

A pact for climate and energy security (pdf)

Winning the energy battle in Centrale and Eastern Europe (pdf)

Not moving forward- Analysis of EU energy policy (pdf)


© Christian Kaufmann
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