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Dear Visitor,

Should you need any general information, feel free to contact the general secretariat of our Group. The telephone line 00-32-2-284.30.45 is serviced during office hours. One of the staff of our secretariat will provide you with the requested information or redirect your request to the most appropriate person who might help you.

You have also the possibility to send us :

  • an e-mail to  contactgreens@europarl.europa.eu
  • a fax to the following number 00-32-2-230.78.37

  • a postal mail to the address mentioned below :

    The Greens/EFA in the European Parliament
    Paul Henri Spaak building
    Office PHS02C11
    60, rue Wiertz
    1047 Brussels

You can also contact our  members or  advisers directly.


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Social media icons / CC0 mariia-shalabaieva

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