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Climate change talks in Nairobi

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Environment ministers will start arriving in Nairobi tomorrow for the "high-level segment" of the conference.
U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan is due to announce a two-year plan to help Africa respond to global warming when he speaks to the opening of this high-level segment of the conference on Wednesday.
Many scientists say that Africa is on the front lines of climate change because most people are poor and vulnerable to any climate changes such as more frequent droughts.
The conference will also be adressed by Sir Nicholas Stern, author of the recent major report on climate change.

The Greens/EFA will organize a conference on "Climate policy, biodiversity and forests" in Nairobi on Thursday afternoon. It will be part of the EU Pavilion's "Side Event Programme" with keynote speaches by Wangari Maathai (2004 Nobel Peace Prize winner) and Greens/EFA MEP Satu Hassi.


© Christian Kaufmann
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