string(2) "65"
Publication |

Background documentation

First Panel

  • Atomdebatte statt Iranpolitik? Europas schwierige Position zwischen Iran und den USA
  • Statement on the Islamic Republic of Iran's Nuclear Issue
  • Baku declaration adopted by the thirty-third session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers
  • NAM troika backs Iran over N-issue
  • Security Council Resolution 1747
  • Security Council resolution 1696
  • Security council resolution 1737
  • Non-aligned movement (NAM) Troika communique. 11 November 2005; Teheran, Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Enriching the options: Europe the United States and Iran
  • Council of the European Union Conclusions on Iran
  • EU-Declaration on Iran Annex III
  • Comprehensive Fissile Material Treaty

  • An overview of nuclear facilities in Iran, Israel and Turkey

Second Panel

  • International Crisis Group
  • Iran - is there a way out of the nuclear impasse?
  • IAEA - Chairman's Report on Assurances of Nuclear Supply and Non-Proliferation
  • Expert Group Release Findings on Multilateral Nuclear Approaches
  • G8 Summit Reiterates Support for IAEA Work
  • IAEA and Iran Agree to Draft "Work Plan" to Address Nuclear Stand-Off
  • Report on Possible new framework for Using Nuclear Energy
  • Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement and Relevant Provisions of Security Council Resolution in the Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Russische Iranpolitik
  • Conditions for a Nuclear Free Middle East


Third Panel

  • World oil supplies are set to run out sooner than expect, warn scientists
  • Energy: Iran Needs Nuclear Power
  • Don't nuke Iran
  • Energy [R]evolution: Energy Options for Iran


© Christian Kaufmann
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