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Digital Single Market

Greens/EFA MEP Julia Reda gives our assessment of commissioner-designate Andrus Ansip

Jan Philipp Albrecht assesses Andrus Ansip

Julia Reda assesses Andrus Ansip

What is your overall impression of how commissioner-designate Ansip performed?

Given the short time to prepare, Ansip seemed well informed about most topics addressed in the hearing, especially when compared to the hearing with Günther Oettinger, the other Commissioner on digital affairs.

Were there particular issues or answers that stood out – either in positive or negative sense?

I was very impressed that Ansip immediately took up my suggestion to do an online hearing where Internet users can ask questions. Also, he came out strongly against geoblocking. If he can make "not available in your country" history, that would really be an achievement.

Do you think he is suitable for the portfolio for which he has been appointed?

Yes. Even though he remained somewhat vague in his replies regarding net neutrality and data protection and misunderstood the question about the European Emergency Number, he made it through the entire hearing without saying anything outrageous, which can't be said for Oettinger.

How would you grade his performance?

I'll give him a 7 out of 10.


European Parliament Building Strasbourg © European Union 2017 - Source : EP
European Parliament Building Strasbourg © European Union 2017 - Source : EP
EFA Group  - July 2024

Responsible MEPs

Felix Reda
Felix Reda

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