The Greens are a driving force in European politics, with representation in the European Parliament since 1984. For 35 years, we have been making a difference and fighting to make Europe the global leader in terms of climate and environmental protection, peace and social justice, fair globalisation, and in the fight for human rights.
The Greens/European Free Alliance was established in July 1999, when the two progressive European political families agreed to join forces in the European Parliament.
Now numbering 52
members from diverse backgrounds and from
18 countries and
5 regions.
Greens/EFA includes members of Green movements, Pirate and Independent MEPs, as well as MEPs from parties representing stateless nations and disadvantaged minorities. But we are more than united in diversity: with more than 95% cohesion, our group is also the most consistent in its voting behaviour. Size does not always matter but leadership and vision do. That’s why our impact is much bigger than our representation in numbers and our longstanding fights are recognised as the key challenges of today and tomorrow. Discover more about us, our priorities and our history here.
Read about the fights we have won and our achievements during this legislative period.

And the one before it
And also the one before that…
And even the one before that….
We Change 
We Change 