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Presse­mitteilung |

We expect the coalition to work in the interest of citizens

Italian government

Greens/EFA co-presidents Philippe Lamberts and Ska Keller comment on the proposed new Italian coalition government with 5Star Movement and Lega:

"We respect the choices made by the Italian citizens. While we strongly object with most of the program of the new government, we consider the European institutions have to work with it. We strongly urge the coalition to adhere to universal human rights and to clearly reject any kind of hate speech.

"Meanwhile, as Greens/EFA we are committed to human rights, the rule of law, protecting the planet, social welfare and solidarity and we will look for allies and work hard to help those progressive ideas gain ground again.

"The Italian people lost their trust in traditional parties and are searching for political alternatives. One step to win over people is the European Union getting real on investments instead of fostering austerity. The European Union has to invest in young people feeling left alone and offer them a real alternative. The EU governments let Italy down on migration, the answer lies in European solidarity and the replacement of the Dublin system, as already proposed by the European Parliament. But both coalition partners have opposed this ambitious reform."

Italian Greens/EFA MEP Marco Affronte adds:

"The 5Star Movement and Lega promise everything to the Italians while at the same time promoting racism, showing no interest at all in environmental issues and lacking pragmatism and obligations. The situation might end up in paralysis. The Italians vote shows that citizens are searching for political alternatives. We will do our utmost to together with Italian partners to bring about a credible and desirable electoral alternative in the upcoming European elections."

Auch interessant

© European Union 2020 - Source : EP
EUCO Terry

Zuständige Abgeordnete

Marco Affronte
Marco Affronte
Ska Keller
Ska Keller
Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts
