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Waste Directive

Environment committee brings ambition to Commission proposal

The European Parliament's Environment committee has today voted to strengthen the European Commission's Waste Directive proposal.


The committee has supported amendments in a number of key areas, including the effective implementation of a waste hierarchy (prioritising prevention, then reuse, then recycling). The amendments also set aspirational  targets to reduce generation of food waste and of marine litter by 30% by 2025,  and by 50 % by 2030. They also remove qualifications from mandatory recycling collection of paper, plastic, metal, glass and biowaste and raise the 2030 recycling target to 70%.


Commenting on the vote, Greens/EFA shadow rapporteur Davor Škrlec said:


"Today's decision has not only restored the ambition that was present in the previous Commission proposal of 2014 that was unfortunately withdrawn by the Juncker Commission, it goes well beyond it. It is time that we are faithful to the hierarchy of first acting to prevent waste, then reuse, then recycle. We are pleased that the committee has called for concrete action to reduce the generation of waste, setting concrete targets for reducing food waste and marine litter. The committee also made it very clear that separate collection is a must, including for biowaste. Separate collection is the pre-condition for high-quality recycling of paper, plastic, glass and metal – and for organic recycling of biowaste. The committee has sent a very clear message: there must be no more incineration of recyclable and compostable wastes. By taking stronger measures to reduce, reuse and recycle waste, we can also help contribute towards the EU's Paris Agreement commitments."

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