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The Right to Self Determination - new governance models

Press Conference by BNG MEP Ana Miranda

When:   Thursday 20 September 2012 at 14h30

Where:  Briefing Room JAN 6Q2, European Parliament, Brussels (note temporary closure of main briefing room)

Who:      Ana Miranda MEP (Bloque Nacionalista Galego) and Carles Riera, President of the World Network for Collective Rights of Peoples

With the participation of MEP Ana Miranda, the World Network for Collective Rights of People with the Centre Maurits Coppieters organises a seminar at the European Parliament in Brussels on the subject of self-determination and new governance models.

The seminar will feature speakers from Quebec, Catalonia, the Basque Country, Kabylia and Kurdistan who will look at new possibilities for self-determination in the context of democratic governance and collective rights. They aim at finding alternative solutions to the challenges posed by the radical changes of the international scene at political, social and economic level.

The seminar aims to bring together those fighting for self-determination to share ideas and experiences and look at new opportunities that present themselves.

This press conference will give an overview of the seminar and its key themes.

For more information see http://www.ideasforeurope.eu/activities.php?id=35&taal=en 

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Photo by Mathurin NAPOLY / matnapo via Unsplash
Photo by Mathurin NAPOLY / matnapo via Unsplash
