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Special committee to vote on final report 13/11


On the evening of Tuesday 13th of  November Members of the Special Committee on Terrorism (TERR) will vote on their final report. The rapporteurs are Monika Hohlmeier (Christian Democrats, EPP) and Helga Stevens (European Conservatives and Reformists, ECR).

The Special Committee examined shortcomings in the fight against terrorism and, under pressure from the Greens/EFA, examined the extent to which uninitiated mass data collections restricts fundamental rights.

Following the attacks in Paris, London and Brussels, the European Union has launched more than 250 anti-terrorist measures, ranging from the monitoring of passenger data to the entry and exit system. The Greens/EFA group are calling for alternatives to mass surveillance and repressive security policies: a Financial Intelligence Unit to detect money flows to finance terrorist attacks and the link between organised crime and terrorism and we need better exchange of police and security authorities, more control of weapons in circulation, an Erasmus programme for police forces and more commitment to the fight against radicalisation.

The plenary vote is expected to take place in the plenary week from 10 to 13 December 2018.

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