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Presse­mitteilung |

Sakharov Prize

Israeli NGO 'Breaking the Silence' nominated by Greens/EFA group for Sakharov Prize

The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament decided last night to propose Israeli NGO Breaking the Silence (1) for this year's Sakharov Prize (2). After the decision, Greens/EFA co-president Dany Cohn-Benditsaid:

"In nominating 'Breaking the Silence', the Greens/EFA group wants to recognise the bravery of all the individuals involved who work to shed light on the injustices of the Israeli occupation and ensure Israeli society does not simply turn a blind eye. With this nomination, we want to highlight that, while Israel is a democracy, it nonetheless takes enormous courage to speak out and break through the taboos and prejudices surrounding the Isreali occupation."

(1) Breaking the Silence is an Israeli NGO established in 2004 by Israeli army soldiers and veterans who collect and publish testimonies about their military service in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem during the second Intifada. http://www.shovrimshtika.org/about_e.asp

(2) The Sakharov Prize is an annual prize awarded by the European Parliament for 'freedom of thought'. It is intended to honour exceptional individuals who combat intolerance, fanaticism and oppression

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