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Presse­mitteilung |

No to Blair as European President

Press release by SNP MEP Ian Hudghton

SNP MEP and Party President Ian Hudghton has strongly criticised a proposal to nominate former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair as the new President of the European Council. 

The new post would be created if the Lisbon Treaty is ratified by all EU member states, and this is currently subject to a referendum in Ireland later this year. Mr Blair's nomination was revealed by new UK Europe Minister Glenys Kinnock at a press briefing in Strasbourg. 

Responding to the proposal, Mr Hudghton said: 

"If Mrs Kinnock's remarks were accurate, then the UK Government is in my view making a huge mistake by nominating Tony Blair for this job. 

"He will never be able to escape his reputation as a warmonger nor his role in the illegal invasion of Iraq. That alone should disqualify him from a position like this, which if created needs to be occupied by a unifying figure. Putting forward Tony Blair for this job would be divisive and damaging for the EU institutions. 

"Let's not forget that this job hasn't been created yet, so it's more than a little presumptuous for Mrs Kinnock to be making these remarks. The SNP is opposed to the Lisbon Treaty and want the Scottish people to get a chance to have their say in a referendum. 

"It is unacceptable for the UK Government to push this Treaty forward without a referendum and then presume to start handing out jobs before it's been approved in other EU countries. This was a shambolic announcement of a bad decision and reflects very badly on both Mrs Kinnock and the Prime Minister himself."

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Ian Hudghton
Ian Hudghton
