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Presse­mitteilung |

Minimum incomes key to a decent life for all

Minimum income


Today, the European Parliament will vote on the resolution on an adequate minimum income. The resolution follows the recommendations published by the Commision, setting out a minimum income above the poverty line. The Greens/EFA group have long called for a directive on this matter, as a binding instrument would ensure that all Member States would implement these recommendations.

Sara Matthieu, Greens/EFA MEP and rapporteur on the resolution, comments:

“The soaring cost of living is hitting the most vulnerable the hardest, and people already at the bottom of the social ladder are suffering the most. A staggering 21.9% of the EU population is currently at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Today, a minimum income doesn't lift people out of poverty. Their struggle continues day after day, all their energy absorbed in a fight for survival. Women are increasingly and disproportionately more affected. It is therefore crucial that everyone has a minimum income that allows them to live a decent life.

Member States need to act now. We have long called for a directive that would require Member States to set their minimum income above the poverty line so every European is able to pay the rent, buy food, cover the energy bills and look for a job. ”

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