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Presse­mitteilung |

Greens/EFA urge Member States to better tackle buildings' carbon emissions and energy poverty

Energy Performance of Buildings

Ahead of tomorrow's release of the European Commission’s legislative revision of the implementation report on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and this plenary week's debate and vote on the current Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, the Greens/EFA are calling for more ambition in its scope. The EPBD will have a far ranging impact on the implementation of the European Green Deal and the Renovation Wave by addressing the carbon emission of buildings. Buildings are responsible for 36% of the EU’s CO2 emissions, consume around 40% of the EU’s energy sources and are the single largest energy consumer in Europe. In order to fulfill our climate obligations, the Greens/EFA call for taking the opportunity of the EBPD to address the carbon footprint of our building stock and urge the European Commission to enable a framework that facilitates the decarbonisation of buildings through staged deep and deep renovation. The EPBD must also focus on reducing emissions by incorporating a life-cycle approach to buildings and implementing strong social safeguards that fight energy poverty.

Eleonora Evi MEP, Greens/EFA shadow rapporteur for the Parliament’s implementation report for the EPBD, said:

“Based on what the current legislation on Energy Performance of Buildings has delivered, Member States are not being ambitious enough and should put more effort into building renovation. They can start by using the recovery funds to make buildings greener. Greener buildings do not only have smaller carbon footprints, they are inclusive, especially benefitting low income households. Greener buildings incorporate nature-based construction elements and help the whole system be greener by incentivising energy prosumers and e-mobility. This is how the green transition starts from greener buildings.”

Ciarán Cuffe MEP, Greens/EFA Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, noted:

“Now is the time to ensure that our building stock is fit for the future. We have an opportunity to tackle both energy poverty and our buildings' carbon emissions. By creating an ambitious framework for buildings, we can create healthier and more energy efficient homes that are powered by clean renewable energy sources. We can ensure that people are encouraged to improve the energy performance of their homes by supporting one-stop-shops that provide technical and financial advice to citizens. In order to protect vulnerable households often living in the worst performing buildings, we need to implement minimum energy performance standards for buildings, which need to be progressively tightened over time. Greater ambition on this Directive can deliver a more just transition, and this is what we need as we emerge from the Covid crisis."

The implementation report on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive will be debated in today's plenary, the votes will be tomorrow and on Wednesday. 

Watch today´s plenary debate live, starting from 5pm (Energy Performance of Buildings is the 7th point on the agenda)

Tomorrow the European Commission will present a revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive as part of a larger legislative package. 


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