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European Asylum Support Office

EU Parliament committee gives green light to European Asylum Support Office

The EU Parliament civil liberties committee today approved a report (1) by Jean Lambert on the creation of a European Asylum Support Office. The report will now go to a plenary vote, expected to take place in Parliament's Strasbourg session 19-22 April. The UK Green MEP commented:

"I am delighted that MEPs have voted to bring us one step closer to the establishment of the much needed and long awaited European Asylum Support Office. I sincerely hope that the Office will prove to provide real added value when it comes to improving the quality and capacity of Member States' asylum systems, above all to help ensure that protection is provided to those who need it. 

The Office will play a vital role in ensuring that all Member States cooperate effectively and work to the same high standards. This will allow individuals to seek asylum in more confidence and will increase trust between Member States, serving as a basis for further cooperation and solidarity in future. I also hope that the work of the Office will go a long way towards ending the lottery of treatment that  asylum applicants face in Europe.

I strongly welcome the fact that the Office will work in close cooperation with the UNHCR and that civil society will be able to play a meaningful role to ensure real added value in its work. However, the Office will not solve everything - the responsibility to ensure high quality delivery of the Common European Asylum System lies with Member States."

Note to editors:

(1) 40 votes in favour, 5 against and 1 abstention

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