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Presse­mitteilung |

EU Summit - 13 and 14 December

Quote from Greens/EFA Co-President Ska Keller

Ahead of the EU Summit of 13 and 14 December, Greens/EFA Co-President Ska Keller said:

"The European Council must break its current cycle of deadlock and postponement. We urgently need progress on a common European asylum system, especially on its corner piece, the Dublin system for a fair distribution mechanism. Also on the Eurozone reform we need more progress. What the finance ministers sent to the European Council has no real teeth: the Eurozone budget is way too small and will not lead to investments nor help against the pressing problems of poverty and unemployment. If we want to have a stable currency and a stable Eurozone, we will have to go further.

"On Brexit, it is clear that there cannot be a change in the withdrawal agreement. The EU 27 need to send two clear messages from the summit: that they are united in defending EU principles and also that the UK would find open doors if the British people were to revise their decision.”

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Ska Keller
Ska Keller
