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Commission fears over imported radioactive fish

An EFA press release by SNP MEP Ian Hudghton


SNP President Ian Hudghton MEP has today (Tuesday) expressed concern after the European Commission confirmed their fears over possible radioactivity in imported fish.

The Commission has already required strict monitoring of all fisheries imports from regions of Japan directly affected by the events at the Fukushima nuclear plant.

However they have also expressed concerns about radioactivity spreading to the wider Pacific and have sought scientific advice on the possible impact.

Mr Hudghton commented:

"Europe produces large quantities of its own fisheries products, much of it of course coming from Scotland.  However we also import a lot to keep up with modern consumer demands.

"The Commission's increased monitoring regime set up in the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster is reassuring.  Nevertheless, the wider impact of the accident is truly frightening.

"The Commission have often tried to justify the existence of the CFP using the line that 'fish know no borders'.  Radioactivity too knows no borders and there is a serious possibility that the Fukushima leaks will have serious effects across the Pacific Ocean.

"These knock-on effects illustrate the serious impacts felt when nuclear goes wrong.  Industries which depend on a clean environment suffer dramatically and the cost on jobs and communities is incalculable.

"Scotland's fishing and farming sectors depend on our clean environment.  Fukushima offers us daily examples of why we must retain a Scottish government wholly opposed to new-build nuclear power stations."

Notes for editors

*  Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki was speaking at the European Parliament's Fisheries Committee on Monday evening.
*  At the meeting she highlighted the Commission's increased surveillance of Japanese fisheries imports and added "we are very concerned about the spread of radioactivity in the sea waters. We are asking for scientific advice on the impact of the accident on a wider sea area."
*  Her full comments can be read at http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/news_and_events/press_releases/2011/20110404/index_en.htm

The European Free Alliance (EFA) Group in the European Parliament includes MEPs from Scotland, Wales, Catalonia, Flanders, Corsica and Latvia, who advance the cause of Europe's stateless nations, regions and disadvantaged minorities. Greens/EFA is an alliance of different parties from different Member States. Press statements on this website do not necessarily bind all parties. The Group respects the rights of minorities within it to take a separate line from the majority.

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