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Presse­mitteilung |

Catalonia is under siege

Press release from EFA MEPs J-M Terricabras & Jordi Solé (Catalonia)

Catalan MEPs have written to all members of the European Commission and MEPs following today's attack on Catalan democracy by Spanish armed police.

Spain's Guardia Civil raided several Catalan ministries, arresting members of the government, ahead of Catalonia's independence referendum on 1 October.

In their letter addressing the European Commission and European Parliamentarians, MEPs Josep-Maria Terricabras, Jordi Solé and Ramon Tremosa say:

'Dear Colleagues,

This morning the Spanish militarized police, Guardia Civil,  has entered into several Ministries of the Government of Catalonia arresting 13 high ranking politicians. The raids of the Guardia Civil are escalating and are unacceptable for any democratic country. Catalonia is clearly under siege.

Catalan people are determined to defend their institutions with non-violence. The actions from the Spanish Government are a clear violation of fundamental rights, the EU treaties and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

We call the Spanish Government to stop these attacks and this clear repression on Democracy and ALL the authorities of the institutions of the European Union to stand for the rights of Catalan people as European Citizens and to not remain indifferent to the events happening in Catalonia.'

Josep-Maria Terricabras commented:

"We are determined to peacefully exercise our democratic right to self-determination. What is happening today is that Spain is disgracefully imposing a de-facto State of Emergency in an attempt to stifle democracy. They will not succeed. We will vote and express our will democratically and peacefully."

Jordi Solé commented:

"Spain has detained members of the Catalan government. They cannot detain a nation determined to defend democracy."

"They will not succeed in trampling over our democratic rights. All of Europe must see what is happening. We will defend our institutions."

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Zuständige Abgeordnete

Jordi Solé i Ferrando
Jordi Solé i Ferrando
Josep Maria Terricabras
Josep Maria Terricabras
EFA Präsidentin und erster stellvertretender Fraktionsvorsitzender
