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Presse­mitteilung |

Bluefin tuna

EU Parliament demands bluefin tuna trade ban

The EU Parliament plenary in Strasbourg today adopted a resolution (1) that calls on the EU Commission and Member States to support a ban on the international trade of the endangered bluefin tuna. This would be achieved if the species is listed in Appendix 1 of CITES (2) at a meeting in Doha, Qatar next month.

Raül Romeva, Greens/EFA Group Vice-president and EU Parliament rapporteur for the bluefin tuna issue, commented:

"I am delighted that the European Parliament has backed a ban on the international trade in bluefin tuna. The tide of political opinion might finally be turning against the bluefin tuna's slide towards extinction. It is incomprehensible that it has taken so many years for politicians to listen to the scientific evidence, but at least it is finally happening.

The EU has supported fishing quotas that are double the level advised by scientists and has even subsidised bluefin tuna fishing fleets to the tune of €34.5 million. (3) On the new Commission's first full day in office, Parliament has sent a crystal clear message that it's high time to back an international trade ban for this species. This is the only option that will give bluefin tuna stocks some kind of chance to recover."

Notes to editors:

(1) The critical amendment on CITES Appendix 1 listing was passed with 447  votes in favour, 205 against

(2) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

(3) European Commission figures for 2000-2009, provided in response to a written request from Raül Romeva. See the December 2009 press release.

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