European Union
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What's coming up in Parliament

Strasbourg Flash - plenary session 10-13 September 2018

The Future of Europe debate with the Prime Minister of Greece, Alexis Tsipras
Tuesday, 11 September

The European Parliament continues its series of debates on the Future of Europe with the Prime Minister of Greece, Alexis Tsipras. Last month, Greece exited the bailout programme which has seen eight years of austerity in the crisis-hit country. It's time for the EU to draw a line in the sand over the policies of austerity which have caused so much suffering. Ska Keller, President of the Greens/EFA group will debate the future of Europe on behalf of the group.

More info: Future of Europe debates calendar


Killer robots debate
Tuesday, 11 September

Killer robots, otherwise known as automated lethal weapons systems, will finally be debated in the plenary on Tuesday afternoon. The technological development of automated lethal weapons is advancing extremely fast and it is the responsibility of parliaments and governments to agree on international regulations for these weapons before they get out of (human) hands. That's why the Greens/EFA are for a common EU position, a legally binding ban, and to prevent the development and production of such weapons.

More: Greens/EFA Resolution on lethal autonomous weapons systems


Hungary: debate and vote on the rule of law
Debate Tuesday, 11 and vote on Wednesday, 12 September

Viktor Orbán is tightening his grip on power in Hungary through his authoritarian pursuit of "illiberal democracy". The space for civil society, academia and a free press is rapidly disappearing in clear breach of European values. For the first time ever the European Parliament will vote on a resolution calling on for sanctions against Hungary from Greens/EFA MEP Judith Sargentini, which could see the country stripped of its voting rights. It's time for MEPs to show if they are on the side of European values or if they support Viktor Orbán's autocratic vision for Europe.

More: Sargentini report and Q&A on Hungary


Language Equality in the Digital Age
Vote Tuesday, 11 September

Language technologies are becoming central to our lives, but much of this technology is only available in a few widely-spoken languages. The EU is investing very little in language technologies compared with the USA and Asia, and Europe is falling behind. Greens/EFA MEP Jill Evans' report 'Language Equality in the Digital Age' calls for action at EU level to tackle this.

More: Evans report


State of the European Union
Wednesday, 12 September

We live in heated times, both literally and politically. This scolding summer saw wildfires and heatwaves claim lives, destroy crops and cause droughts, in a tragic and poignant reminder that our climate is changing rapidly. European politics is seeing a lurch towards the authoritarian right while strong protest movements are emerging across the continent. How much will these burning issues of climate change and the rule of law be addressed in Commission President Jean Claude Juncker's final State of the Union address? Ska Keller, President of the Greens/EFA group will react to President Juncker's speech.  

Watch live: on Wednesday, 09:30 to 11:50  


Digital copyright: Vote on copyright proposals 
Wednesday, 12 September 

Before the summer, the European Parliament decided to rethink its position on EU copyright reform plans, including on upload filters and a “link tax”, after massive protests. Consequently, over 200 individual proposals for changes were filed, which MEPs will vote on Wednesday. Copyright law regulates a complex ecosystem where the balance of interests is difficult to strike. The Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market will be key in achieving such balance.

Press release: Free internet still possible as European Parliament votes for more scrutiny over copyright bill More: Copyright showdown


Greens/EFA MEPs take EFSA to court over Monsanto studies on glyphosate
Thursday, 13 September

Greens/EFA MEPs Michèle Rivasi, Bart Staes, Heidi Hautala and Benedek Javor are taking the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to the EU Court of Justice for its refusal to provide public access to crucial studies regarding the impacts of glyphosate on human health. EFSA is supported in the court case by Monsanto and by Cheminova, whose lawyers will be at the hearing, which will take place at 14:30 in Luxembourg. The Greens/EFA will also broadcast on Facebook live after the hearing at 17:00.

Video: Monsanto's toxic tricks Press Briefing


European CO2-regulation for cars and vans
Monday, 10 September

The environment committee (ENVI) of the European Parliament will vote on CO2 standards for cars and vans. To stay within the Paris climate commitments will require an ambitious reduction of CO2 emissions from new passenger cars. The Greens/EFA group are calling for the European Commission's current proposed targets for 2025 and 2030 to be considerably increased for the transport sector to contribute adequately to the EU's climate commitments.

More: The Vision Scenario for the European Union




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