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Strasbourg Flash October 2009

Greens/EFA priorities for 19-22 October 2009

Greens/EFA priorities for next week's European Parliament plenary session in Strasbourg: 

Monday, 19 October 2009 
19.00 Civil liberties committee vote on visa liberalisation for the Western Balkans
The Commission's 15 July proposal, which excluded Bosnia-Hercegovina citizens from planned visa-free travel to the EU. Following strong criticism from the Greens and others - and recent fulfilment of criteria by the authorities - the EP civil liberties committee is expected to vote in favour of their inclusion.  

Tuesday, 20 October 2009 
09.00-11.50 Council and Commission statements - Climate change and developing countries in the framework of the UN conference on climate change in Copenhagen

 10.20-10.40 Press briefing with Greens/EFA President Rebecca HarmsPress briefing room, N-1/201, LOW Building, European Parliament

 12.00-13.00 Vote on resolution on freedom of information in Europe and in Italy 

13.00 After the votes, a Greens/EFA-commissioned ice sculpture will be unveiled in the LOW courtyard, a symbolic action ahead of the Copenhagen conference on climate change

16.00-18.30 Joint debate - draft general budget 2010 

17.00-18.45 Greens/EFA film screening: "Videocracy" Room R 5.1, European ParliamentScreening of Erik Gandini's critically-acclaimed documentary on Silvio Berlusconi's media empire. 

Wednesday, 21 October 2009 

09.00-11.50 Council and Commission statements: preparation of EU summit 29-30 October
Although ratification of the Lisbon Treaty is conditional on Vaclav Klaus' signature, the debate is already open on possible candidates for the Council President and Foreign Affairs High-Representative posts, as well as for nominees for the new European Commission. 

17.00-18.30 Debate: "Guinea - it's not only about fish", with Isabella Lovin, other MEPs and guest speakers 

15.30-16.00 Press conference: "Situation in Tunisia on the eve of legislative and presidential elections"With Green MEP Hélène Flautre 

Thursday, 22 October 2009 

09.00 Estevez report on Fisheries Partnership agreement between the EC and Guinea
On 1 October, days after the presidential guard opened fire on peaceful protestors in Conakry, Greens led a majority vote in the fisheries committee against approving this fisheries agreement, which would have granted over 1 million Euro of EU funds to the Guinean government in its first year. 

15.00-16.00 Urgencies: debates on Guinea (Conakry), Iran and Sri Lanka 

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