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Presidency of the European Union

Greens/EFA MEPs met the forthcoming Danish Presidency of the EU

On Wednesday 7 December, a delegation of the Greens/EFA Group went to Copenhagen and met the incoming Danish Presidency of the European Union. From January on and for a period of six months, Denmark will take over the EU Presidency from Poland which currently holds it until 31 December 2011.

The delegation of the Greens/EFA Group consisted of :

  • Rebecca Harms, Greens/EFA Co-President
  • Jill Evans, EFA President
  • Reinhard Bütikofer, Greens/EFA Vice-President and Treasurer
  • Raül Romeva, Greens/EFA Vice-President
  • Emilie Turunen, Greens/EFA Vice-President
  • Margrete Auken, Greens/EFA Danish Member
  • Judith Sargentini, Greens/EFA MEP, coordinator of civil liberties, justice and home affairs.

The Greens/EFA delegation firstly met the Danish Prime Minister, Ms Helle Thorning-Schmidt, who gave a general introduction to the Danish Presidency.

Three thematic meetings on the economic and financial crisis and growth, on green growth and resource efficiency and on external relations, justice and home affairs followed and were the opportunity for the respective Danish Ministers to present the foreseen priorities during the Danish presidency and for Greens/EFA MEPs to discuss and express their views on what was presented.

The Danish Party SF - whose MEPs sit in the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament - is part of the governmental coalition in Denmark and has 6 Ministers: Health, Environment, Business and Growth, Trade and Investment, Taxation and Foreign Affairs.

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Zuständige Abgeordnete

Margrete Auken
Margrete Auken
Reinhard Bütikofer
Reinhard Bütikofer
Jill Evans
Jill Evans
Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms
Judith Sargentini
Judith Sargentini
