European Union
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Plenary Flash - 8-11 May 2023

Greens/EFA priorities for the plenary session

Methane Regulation: Methane emissions reduction in the energy sector

MEPs will debate and vote on the EP´s position on the proposed Methane regulation ahead of negotiations with Member States and the European Commission. In the joint vote in both responsible Committees (Committee on Industry, Research and Energy and Committee on the Environment), all political groups except ID supported the position proposed by ITRE Co-Rapporteur Jutta Paulus (Greens/EFA). MEPs strengthened the Commission’s proposal with regards to banning routine venting and flaring of methane as well as frequencies of leak detection on pipelines or valves and quick repair of these leaks. As more than 80 percent of the fossil fuels used in the EU are imported, MEPs propose extending the regulation to gas, oil and coal imports by 2026, thus ensuring a level playing field and global impact. The EU Methane Regulation will therefore reduce emissions, strengthen energy sovereignty and achieve the climate targets. It is a crucial part of the Green Deal and the Fit For 55 Package. An ambitious Methane Regulation is a mandatory prerequisite for meeting the EU commitments in the Global Methane Pledge. 

Debate: Monday, 8th May
Vote: Tuesday, 9th May
Greens/EFA MEP: Jutta Paulus


EU accession to the Istanbul Convention

The EU accession to the Istanbul Convention is a repeated call from members of the European Parliament and a priority for the Greens/EFA. We welcome that the Council has finally requested the European Parliament to give consent. The ratification of the Istanbul Convention has been awaited already since 2017 when the Commission signed the convention on behalf of the EU. 

Given the urgent need to combat gender-based violence with a holistic approach, the Greens/EFA have reiterated that the accession to the Istanbul Convention should be on the basis of a broad accession without any limitations. However, the Council decided to split the accession to the Convention into two Council Decisions, comprising only the two areas in which the EU already has exclusive competences (matters related to judicial cooperation in criminal matters and asylum and non-refoulement). The decision of the split has raised legal uncertainties as to the scope of the EU’s accession, as well as concerns regarding the implementation of the Convention. Nevertheless, the Greens/EFA celebrate this important moment in history to combat gender-based violence on an EU level.

Debate: Tuesday, 9th May
Vote: Wednesday, 10th May
Greens/EFA MEP: Sylwia Spurek


Empowering Consumers in the Green Transition

A longer lifetime for products: benefits for consumers and companies

The vast majority of MEPs in the lead committee on consumer protection (IMCO) urge for greater protection for consumers against practices of premature obsolescence of products. They also call for clear labelling of the repairability of products . Now, we are expecting the vote in plenary ahead of negotiations with the Council and the European Commission. The committee vote on the directive is a strong call to stop premature obsolescence of products, to improve labelling and to fight greenwashing by banning misleading practices and a clear commitment to consumer rights. The directive is part of the legislative package "Empowering Consumers in the Green Transition". The legislative package aims to make it easier for consumers to compare the sustainability of the products they purchase. The committee position requires to display  a repair index, which indicates the repairability of a product and gives consumers the option to save money and resources. 

Debate: Monday, 8th May
Vote: Thursday, 10th May
Greens/EFA MEP: David Cormand


Kosovo: Annual Report 

The European Parliament’s annual report on Kosovo, led by Greens/EFA MEP Viola von Cramon, assesses all noteworthy country-specific political, legal, economic, and societal developments of the last year. The European Parliament has been a staunch supporter of Kosovo's European aspirations and recently confirmed that the long-awaited visa liberalisation will be granted to all citizens of Kosovo as of 1 January 2024. Kosovo’s compliance on EU sanctions against Russia is further proof that Kosovo stands by the EU and is a reliable partner in key moments. Kosovo has further progressed in the fight against corruption, although more work is needed to remove political influence on the judiciary. This year’s report calls for the full implementation of all relevant agreements in the Serbia-Kosovo Dialogue, including the establishment of the Community/Association of Serbian-majority municipalities. 

Debate/Vote: Tuesday, 9th May
Greens/EFA MEP: Viola von Cramon 



Next week, MEPs will vote on the Discharge reports for the EU institutions and EU agencies. The Discharge covers activities and expenditure of all EU bodies and is the key chance for the Parliament to scrutinise their work. This year, the Greens/EFA Group will oppose approving the discharge report for Frontex, the EU’s Border Agency, due to on-going concerns with breaches of human rights, involvement in ‘pushbacks’ and management failures. Despite the new leadership at Frontex, systematic problems of internal management remain and serious concerns about respect for fundamental rights have yet to be addressed. This will be the first year that the new European Public Prosecutor’s Office is part of the discharge procedure and the Greens/EFA Group welcome the EPPO’s work in fighting cross border crime and the Office’s engagement with the Budgetary Control Committee. Our Group regrets that five Member States have yet to sign up to the EPPO and call on the governments of Ireland, Sweden, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary to do so without delay. 

Debate: Tuesday, 9th May
Vote: Wednesday, 10th May 
MEPs: Daniel Freund, Viola von Cramon,  Mikulas Peksa, Bas Eickhout, Saskia Bricmont


Own resources

In September, the Commission will come out with a second proposal on its own resources for the EU to be able to raise funds for the EU budget. Our Group has put forward new proposals in the file to be voted on next week, which includes a proposal for a new own resources, based on  food waste contribution, share buybacks and an EU withholding tax. The Greens/EFA Group are also calling for the EU to be able to raise resources through a capital gains tax, a kerosene tax, and a taxation of wealth.

Debate: Monday, 8th May
Vote: Wednesday, 10th May
MEPs: David Cormand (BUDG), Rasmus Andresen (ECON)


Europe Day/This is Europe: Debate with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz

On Europe Day, within the framework of the “This is Europe” circle of plenary debates with Heads of States and Governments, MEPs will debate with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. 

On the occasion of the celebrations surrounding Europe Day, the Greens/EFA are organising a photo opportunity with their MEPs at the Louise Weiss courtyard.

Debate: Tuesday, 9th May
Greens/EFA MEP: Terry Reintke 
Photo opportunity on Europe Day: Courtyard, Louise Weiss, Tuesday, 9th May, 10:00



Joint debate: Oceans, biodiversity and fisheries

On Thursday, the European Parliament  will shine a spotlight on the oceans with a joint debate about the importance of protecting and restoring marine ecosystems. The debate will include a discussion on the latest initiatives by the Commission, as well as on the international agreement reached in March for a  binding treaty to protect marine biodiversity in the high seas beyond national jurisdiction. Lastly, a resolution about opportunities for the EU algae sector will be adopted.

Debate: Thursday, 11th May
Greens/EFA MEP: Caroline Roose, Ska Keller, Rosa D’Amato, Grace O’Sullivan, Francisco Guerreiro, Ana Miranda



MEPs will discuss the current situation in Sudan on Tuesday. The ongoing conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF), which broke out on the 15th April, has severely affected civilians, leaving around 334 000 people displaced. Millions of people also remain without access to healthcare as the majority of healthcare providers are closed or unable to function as normal. 

Debate: Tuesday, 9th May



On Tuesday, MEPs will debate Moldova’s request for macro-financial assistance.  The country’s economy has been badly affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the resulting energy crisis. Greens/EFA MEP and rapporteur Markéta Gregorová supports the request and underlines both the need for solidarity toward Moldovan economy as well as the need to encourage reforms, especially in the justice system, the rule of law and the fight against corruption.

Debate: Tuesday, 9th May
Greens/EFA MEP: Markéta Gregorová



The Group co-Presidents Terry Reintke and Philippe Lamberts will hold the plenary session press briefing on Tuesday, 9th May at 11:30. 

Location: Daphne Caruana Galizia Press Room, Weiss N-1/201 or online via European Parliament website. Journalists can ask questions remotely, via Interactio.

The full plenary agenda for the week can be found on the Parliamentwebsite.

The plenary sessions can be followed live here.



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