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Das Besucherzentrum des Europäischen Parlaments


The European Parliament's brand new visitor's centre opened to the Public today, with crowds queueing up to get the first tours of the centre's interactive displays and attractions

Green MEP and Vice-President of the Parliament Isabelle Durant joined one of the first tour groups to experience the fresh and dynamic displays and learn about how the institution impacts upon our everyday lives.

One of the highilghts of the new centre is a 360 degree cinema. Here you can get into the thick of the action during a Parliament plenary session.

The short film takes you through the decision making process, from committee to final vote, showing the twists and changes that can happen along the way.

The Parlementarium visitor's centre is open 7 days a week as is free to visit.  For more information on the displays and the work of the centre, including opening hours, please visit

Auch interessant

© European Union 2020 - Source : EP
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European Council (CC BY 2.0)
Council table
